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The FBI continues to hunt down and take down the trespassers from the "Stop the Steal" rally at the Ellipse and the "Save America March" at the Capital building in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021 that the Democrats dramatically claimed was as bad as the War of 1812, Pearl Harbor or 911.


Believe it or not, many people actually believe that, including federal judges, who are sentencing these relatively innocent people to decades in prison for bogus crimes. And Joe Biden's DOJ has been mercilessly and ruthlessly persecuting these pro-Trump protesters just like they've been doing to the 45th President, Donald J. Trump . . . and everywhere they can find them: at home, at work or on vacation; at a wedding, at a funeral or when they're conceiving a baby. It's the ultimate government invasion on a person's civil rights and liberties.


So far, about 900 Americans have been caught in the FBI's dragnet (with a million to go?). Most are forced to plead to lesser charges or forced to defend themselves while going bankrupt with legal fees. That's the government's modus operandi: break them down, instill fear, have them confess (even if they know they're innocent); have them make a deal for a lighter sentence; give up an accomplice or someone else, lying if need be; embarrass, blackmail or threaten them — or any other way possible to get them to comply. This all goes back to the days of Hoover (and little has changed).


What's the regime's end game? The DOJ has been doing this since Trump came down the escalator. They went after his inner circle and administration. Then his family, friends and businesses associates. The went after the parents and Catholics. They're going after gun retailers. They went after his lawyers. They're going after any lawyer that will represent trump or his supporters. They raided Trump's home, indicted him and putting him on trial. And the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, did NOTHING but comb his hair.


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) appears to be intimately close to Speaker McCarthy, who refuses to hold a January 6 Committee in the House to debunk the lies that the perjurers told to the former Speaker of the House, NancyPelosi during her made-for-TV January 6 committee. Kevin McCarthy should call back every single witnesses that she had to testify and have Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) cross examine them all (including other witnesses) to exonerate Donald Trump and his 74 million voters.


But MTG's MAN-friend has no interest in clearing Donald Trump or his supporters of anything. He's with Senator Mitch McConnell on Team RINO.


Watch ya gonna do when they come for you?


Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA recently reposted a tweet from @hodgetwins where is writes:

Last week, a friend of ours was raided by the feds over J6, his name is Nathan Hughes and he’s from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Nate was raided by the FBI and arrested at gun point. His girlfriend (who just had a miscarriage) was held at gun point and put in handcuffs. The FBI turned off his security cameras, unplugged his internet, and flipped his house upside down in a search. The feds called the manufacturer of his Liberty Gun Safe and got the passcode to get into it too. All for protesting at the Capitol over 2 1/2 years ago.


He is being charged with crimes related to January 6th. He didn’t assault anyone and he didn’t vandalize anything. He is being labeled a domestic terrorist and a traitor to his country by woke leftists and the media.


Nate is just like us…he’s an outspoken American Patriot…he loves freedom, loves his country, and would do anything to preserve our rights. He’s been fighting to save our country for years now.

He’s also a small business owner with a family that relies on him.


We all know how heated this political climate is getting, but they’ve pushed too far and it’s time for people to speak up for people getting screwed by the system. BLM and Antifa can go burn down our cities and get off the hook, but Trump supporters get raided and rounded up for protesting.


Nate’s legal bills to fight these charges will be over $100,000, so we’re donating $5,000 to Nathan’s defense fund to start it out, and hope you can donate something too.

There, his friend Nathan Hughes leaves a note where he writes:

On the morning of August 30th 2023, I was swarmed by 3 vehicles of heavily armed FBI agents and arrested with rifles pointed at me. I was booked and taken to a government facility where they made me give them DNA samples.

At the same time, my home was raided by 10+ vehicles filled with armed FBI agents. They ordered my girlfriend Taylor out of the house with her hands up and had rifles pointed at her too. They put her in handcuffs, unplugged our home security cameras, and turned our house upside down searching it. A bunch of stuff from electronics to clothes was taken and we can’t find one of our security cams. They called the manufacturer of my Liberty Safe, got the pass code from them, and got into it too. Thank God our dogs weren't harmed.

I was released with a GPS tracking ankle monitor and can’t leave Northwest Arkansas.

I can’t talk about the case (it’s from January 6th 2021 at the Capitol), but I can say there are many things out there that paint me as violent anti-American domestic terrorist…and I wholeheartedly am NOT that.

I’ve got a long legal journey ahead now and will face this head on and post updates. Thank y’all for your support.

@hodgetwins continued::

Many of you know Nathan and know that he is a freedom loving American Patriot. I stand by him 100%. Legal defense fees for January 6th charges are well over 6-figures and any donation is greatly appreciated. We can't thank you enough for your support.

- Taylor

Below is a video of Nathan's FBI arrest at his store in front of his employees (originals at Rumble). The FBI convoy was almost as long as Donald Trump's Secret Service detail. Don't all those FBI agents have more important things to do than just to violate the civil rights of Americans who were invited in to the Capital Building by the Capital Police to take selfies while peacefully protesting?


IMHO, the guy in the photo below is the first person that should be indicted in 2025 by President Trump's A.G, starting with perjury for lying to Congress and ending with depriving American citizens their Civil Rights under color of law, seditious conspiracy and interfering in a Presidential election.


Fascist FBI director Chris Wray




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FJBThe U.S. Government rigged the 2020 election and started the January 6 Capital Riot. Period

FJBThe peaceful "Stop The Steal" rally and "Save America March" was sabotaged by a Capital breach and riot, but by who and why?

FJBThe TRUTH about the 2020 Election Fraud and the Big Lie about the Capital Riot on January 6, 2021. Feel free to post a comment for evidence. Let's keep it all in one place for the lawyers, the FBI social media moderators and the Deep State infiltrators.

FJBRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) breaks promise to release J-6 video, makes excuses as to why, but then blames the GOP, which is her main squeeze on Capital Hill, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy . . . who IS the GOP!
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