OANN MEDIA: We support President Donald J. Trump.

Beware of the Marxist-Democrats!

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* NOTE: If you want to skip the lead-in and get right to the meat, click here.

Thanks to an anonymous tip to CNN, we all saw the FBI raid on the 45th President's home with a search warrant while he wasn't home, and wondered why the FBI wouldn't allow any lawyers to witness the search. Since then our former President has been indicted 4 times and he will have to surrender to the Fulton County court in Georgia today (August 24, 2023) to be arraigned and possibly have a mug shot taken, just as his co-defendants already have—because they too were accused of "interfering" in the 2020 election. The U.S. government rigged the 2020 election and started the Capital riot on January 6, 2021. But the DOJ is putting Donald J. Trump and 18 of his associates on trial for doing exactly what the government has been doing: interfering in elections—and in Trump's case, for the past 8 years! And The 65 Project might be behind this, to keep Donald J. Trump from attaining any proper legal counsel.

Before going any further, let's be clear: The Capital breach and riot on January 6, 2021 is directly linked to the 2020 election. Period.

In one of the two articles below, someone had commented about something Greg Kelly (an anchor at Newsmax) and myself have been saying all along: The breach of the Capital building and the subsequent violence we saw at the tunnel entrance on the West side of building on January 6, 2021, wasn't caused by Trump supporters who wanted to interfere with the official proceeding of Mike Pence's certification of the electoral votes—it happened because it was meant to stop the process of legal objections that would prompt open debate about possible election fraud.

So who would want to stop any discussion about possible election fraud and why? Did someone have to get home early that day for dinner?

1/6/21 Speaker Nancy Pelosi

(Photo above) January 6, 2021 - Hours later after the Capital breach and order was restored in the U.S. Capital building, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: "We will stay as long as it takes. Our purpose will be accomplished."

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. The media went out of the way to report that she got no warning at all of the so-called "insurrection in advance from the FBI, who themselves HAD been forewarned. But whether or not she was complicit in the lack of security or just incompetent, that's not the point of this particular post.

Trump's supporters wanted to know what had happened during the 2020 election after witnessing all the so-called "irregularities" — and after sitting through over a dozen lengthy hearings by State legislatures who held hearings in 5 States about the election — and they had hundreds of signed affidavits from poll watchers, election experts, tech experts, voters and other witnesses who testified under oath.

The Democrat's BIG LIE must be exposed, because win or lose, Trump and his supporters were willing to accept the results of the election if the politicians and appointed officials would have been more open and transparent. They were the people who had possession of all the "evidence" if there was any fraud; but instead of assuring the public, they refused to hold legitimate forensic audits . . . which was odd in itself, because one would think they'd welcome the idea of proving Donald Trump and all his "cult" members wrong.

But just the opposite had occurred. The Democrats, the never-Trump RINOs, the "fake news" media, the 3-letter intelligence apparatus, the government bureaucrats, and their army of social media trolls offered nothing at all but denials, insults and name-calling (e.g. "election deniers"). Why? Were they hiding something? Were they afraid of being exposed? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

If there was election fraud, President Trump's supporters would NOT have wanted to stop the legal process in Congress on January 6, 2021 (they were horrified by the breach); because they welcomed any chance at all of exposing any and all fraud if it really existed. The narrative that disparaged Trump and his supporters was driven to promote THE BID LIE that Trump and his supporters wanted to overturn [an otherwise legal] election, and to forcibly take control of the U.S. government like a large group of villagers storming the ramparts with their torches and pitchforks like a rebellion or coup. That argument was TOTALLY absurd, but the people behind this farce of an "insurrection" did a good job of convincing a lot of people into believing this myth — whether these people were naive, ignorant, or just wanted it to be true and were happy with the election results.

The tragedy of the Deep State's BIG LIE is, the people who are running the Biden administration (because it sure ain't Uncle Joe!) have weaponized the Department of Justice and FBI to hunt down innocent trespassers who were welcomed into the Capital Building that day by uniformed Capital Police. It's on video! Good, normal, average American people are being bankrupted by the government in legal fees. Many have gotten extraordinarily long prison sentenced than for those who had committed much more serious crimes. Many have been kept in a D.C. jail for over 2 years with out due process and being treated horribly by the staff (24/7 solitary confinement, beatings, etc.)

Donald J. Trump had held over 525 campaign rallies as of that terrible day on January 6, 2021, and they didn't dress like paramilitary soldiers with helmets, shields, backpacks, flak jackets, with flag poles and armed with bear mace. Trump had security then and he had security on J-6 that wouldn't allow such things into the Ellipse where Donald Trump gave his speech.

As for the "March to Save America" on the route from the Ellipse that led to the Capital Building that day, it was a totally open venue to anybody in the world, and the security was the Speaker of the House's responsibility (Nancy Pelosi), as well as the mayor of Washington D.C. (Muriel Bowser, who previously allowed the Marxist group BLACK LIVES MATTER to be painted on the public streets) — and President Trump offered them help with 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard soldiers, but they both turned him down.

But the most egregious BIG LIE of all is, the "election riggers" and their co-conspirators wanted everyone to believe that Trump's supporters were directly responsible for the death of 5 people (as though they were murderers) and allowed their BIG LIE to flourish into making the naive think Trump's supporters KILLED Capital Police officers. Nothing was further from the truth.

And we also must ask the question: Why does the new Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, allow their BIG LIE to be a part of American history rather than holding his own January 6 Committee to debunk all The BIG LIES we heard during the then-Speaker of house Nancy Pelosi's January 6 Committee, who even produced a Hollywood-type mini-series to broadcast in prime time on all the major TV networks. The State legislature's hearings were never even mentioned or referenced by the media . . . almost like a media blackout . . . almost like a cover-up . . . almost like a BIG LIE.

So whenever I hear the silly term "election fraud deniers", and hear all these people deny any wrong-doing during the 2020 election with such visceral emotion and hate; and after the FBI raided the home of a former President who's currently running for re-election in 2024; and while the DOJ has been indicting him on federal charges and putting him on trial for interfering in an election, it makes me think: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." I think they DID rig the election, and we should investigate that. But Democrats (the riggers) decided to make that illegal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The two articles below will tell you what happened on January 6, 2021. There are also other links and comments within these two articles for added context. The basic content was put here onj this page for easier reading and referencing.

Article 1) Tucker Carlson Responds to the Blitzkrieg of DC and Media Apoplexy Following His Broadcast of J6 CCTV Video March 7, 2023

Article 2) The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection March 12, 2023

* Below is Regitiger's comment on the first article, and this is the part that you MUST read . . .

I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th. I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

♦ Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.

FACTS: Remember carefully, focus please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.

♦ Q2: Why was it necessary to halt the chamber process?

A: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud

FACTS: The two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures… procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.

♦ Q3: What was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification?

A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.

♦ Q4: Could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?

A: Unlikely. In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the United States: Pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS.

Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary. The crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarrhea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.

♦ Q5: Why did the motions, once that the speaker RECONVENED congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes? Why were members disallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?

A: The Speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!

♦ Q6: Other than new rules, emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?

A: Members were allowed to “vote” in proxy, remotely, not being present. You can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”.

Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification, because there were no motions of disagreements on the matter. So, in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!

Understand what happened in Jan 6, 2021. Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police. Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.

•NOTED: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event. I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day but please, step back and understand WHY these things happened. Examine the chain of events in congress. Why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!

At the very center of this coup stands Mike Pence, the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earliest hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of Lt General Michael Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why Lt Gen Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

•PRO TIP: If you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol is not going to address them. Actual video and timeline records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED.

This crisis was developed just in time with a precise coordination to prevent those two motions to be entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis.

God Bless America!”
~ Regitiger

{Below) Later Regitiger comments to his first comment during a discussion with others

I started this effort years ago. To date, no one and I mean no one has replied. It’s as if everyone that can expose it that has a larger platform is either disinterested, or suspiciously withdrawn from the issue. I made several comments about this over the years right here at CTH, on article threads that are relevant to the topic.

I was watching the certification live that day. I recorded it ALL on every channel. I was doing this because no matter what happened that day, I KNEW IT WOULD BE A PROFOUND AND SIGNIFICANT EVENT TO REMEMBER. I never in my wildest imagination (and I have a pretty vivid imagination, always have), expected to see the unmistakable perfectly timed “coincidences” that occurred.

One member raises a motion (with another in waiting for his turn) those two motions were well known and advertised. These were motions to vote for a pause in the certification to examine electoral vote fraud and irregularities. I can’t speak to the veracity and substance of those motions. They were never allowed to even be floored. it was at that exact moment that the house chambers were suspended and 4 of the key members, Pence, Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell were escorted OUT right after initiating the end of the session.

Effectively, this resulted in that motion never being floored at all. Then, when reconvened under special emergency rules, inexplicably those two motions (and perhaps more – we will never know – or will we?) were not even attempted to be motioned. That was not just peculiar to me.

It all started to make more sense when I did some study on constitutional law AND THE HISTORY of specific special authorities given to president of the congress, Pence in this case. Not only did he have the authority and power to suspend the certification, but the duty to address the motion in the same sense that it becomes vital to the debate clause.

There really is no higher significance of weight given to the debate clause than the certification of the votes. This was more than odd to me the way that the media and pence framed their narrative: Pence would not have the constitutional power to suspend certification. Then it hit me, like the obvious clue that was there all the time. He was right. But the reason he is right, is because there WAS NO MOTION ON THE FLOOR TO CAUSE HIM TO SUSPEND!

Understanding this, happened for me about 4 or 5 months after this Jan 6 day. I took me this long to examine the facts, look at the video again, compare it to the arguments made by several leading constitutional academics, and again, inexplicably even some that I respect seemed to dodge that central reality. The motions were never allowed to be floored in the re-convened house rules later that evening. Most would not even venture to address the exotically coincidence that the moment those two members would stand to place the motion before the house, that the House Speaker Pelosi AND Pence ended the session, effectively blocking the motions from being heard in normal house rules.

It’s been a journey for me. A journey that was initiated because I am just a simple but curious person. Perhaps even to a point where I get obsessive in those efforts. Many days and nights combing over the details. praying and trying to make sense of what makes little sense. With over 6 states having serious well known and obvious defects in the voting process, some more credible to believe – some less, but one would not expect the house would be so deliberate in marching past the motions that were definitely going to be present to slow this process down and take the time to get it right. Even IF the claims never reached an intersection that would change the outcome.

There are two possibilities: Millions of people, against all the odds, hitting all-time records even past Obama and Clinton, voted for a naval gazing ambulatory pathological racist moron. And chose Joe Malarkey as their leader. Or this was a coup, a conspiracy, and a treasonous manipulation regime change because President Trump could not be controlled by the deep state and globalists who OWN AND OPERATE WASHINGTON DC.


The only way for THE PEOPLE to gain power in this country is to force the transfer of it. If truth isn’t the fuel and vehicle, we will just be replacing deck chairs and hitting the next series of expected ice bergs.

Knowing the truth is not enough; however, it is truth that makes it a righteous cause.

God Bless America!

~ Regitiger


* Below the author of the second article provides us with an addendum in support of Regitiger's theory from the comments in the first article.

Julie Kelly [1 of 3 people that Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave 44,000 hours of J-6 capital security video to. She's HERE on Twitter.] Just as the first wave of protesters breached the building shortly after 2 p.m., congressional Republicans were poised to present evidence of rampant voting fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Ten incumbent and four newly-elected Republican senators planned to work with their House colleagues to demand the formation of an audit commission to investigate election “irregularities” in the 2020 election. Absent an audit, the group of senators, including Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) pledged to reject the Electoral College results from the disputed states.


The Hail Mary effort was doomed to fail; yet the American people would have heard hours of debate related to provable election fraud over the course of the day.


And no one opposed the effort more than ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)


During a conference call on December 31, 2020, McConnell urged his Republican Senate colleagues to abandon plans to object to the certification, insisting his vote to certify the 2020 election results would be “the most consequential I have ever cast” in his 36-year Senate career.


From the Senate floor on the afternoon of January 6, McConnell gave a dramatic speech warning of the dire consequences to the country should Republicans succeed in delaying the vote. He downplayed examples of voting fraud and even mocked the fact that Trump-appointed judges rejected election lawsuits.


“The voters, the courts, and the States have all spoken,” McConnell insisted. “If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral.”


Roughly six hours later, McConnell got his way. Cowed by the crowd of largely peaceful Americans allowed into the building by Capitol police, most Republican senators backed off the audit proposal. McConnell, echoing hyperbolic talking points about an “insurrection” seeded earlier in the day by Democratic lawmakers and the news media, gloated. “They tried to disrupt our democracy,” he declared on the Senate floor after Congress reconvened around 8 p.m. “This failed attempt to obstruct Congress, this failed insurrection, only underscores how crucial the task before us is for our Republic.”


Congress officially certified the Electoral College results early the next day. (read more)

* Editor's Note: This is the end of this post. Go through all the links inside the two articles. All the evidence for January 6 and the 2020 election fraud (including all the links to the State legislature's hearings) is at the following link to my blog that I keep updating with comments, because every day it seems as though there's more evidence.
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