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Donald J. Trump
J-6 Death Count
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Bud Meyers for OANN Media

Yesterday I saw the headline below at #Donald Trump's social media platform Truth Social and read the article . . .

"Judicial Watch asks the federal court to deny the #Harris-#Biden's #DOJ's request to transfer #AshliBabbitt's $30 million Wrongful Death Lawsuit from #California to Washington D.C." https://www.judicialwatch.org/babbitt-wrongful-death-lawsuit/ 

Which led me to another article related to this . . .

Washington Times: "Wrongful death lawsuit filed by Ashli Babbitt’s family gets first federal hearing." by Tom Howell Jr. on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/aug/6/ashli-babbitt-familys-wrongful-death-lawsuit-gets-/ 

That Washington Times story is being disputed by me in part regarding this statement in their article as to who died other than Ashli Babbitt: "Three other Trump supporters died during the Jan. 6 riot, two of heart attacks and one from a drug overdose. Four officers who responded to the onslaught later died by suicide." That equals 8 deaths, but it's not entirely accurate and is a bit misleading.

Maybe that's because the federal government and their STATE media were deliberately spewing lies (as they usually do) about the deaths on January 6, 2021 when they accused President Trump of inciting a riot at the Capitol building that day when he told an audience a the Stop The Steal rally to march to the Capitol building and to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." (His full speech here.)

But nobody died as a direct result of anything #Trump said or a Trump protestor did on that day now known as #J6; but one unarmed woman and vet was murdered by federal Capital Police officer Lt. Michael Byrd

#AshliBabbitt died from a gunshot wound from the plain-dressed capital police supervisor as she tried to crawl through a broken window in the lobby near the office of then-Speaker of House #NancyPelosi. The #DOJ lied and said she was shot in the shoulder, not the neck as witnesses on the scene testified.. And another Capital Police officer later kicked a discarded Capital Police baseball cap over her blood puddle on the floor instead of properly preserving the crime scene for a formal forensic investigation after her body was haphazardly carried upside-down the stairs like a bag of potatoes. (There is video of all this posted at my J-6 Rumble channel.)

* NOTE: via DOJ: "Department of Justice Closes Investigation into the Death of Ashli Babbitt." | Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Another Trump protester, a woman named #RosanneBoyland (34 from Georgia), died from trampling and was asphyxiated (and may have suffered a heart attack) as she tried to escape from the capital steps near the tunnel on the West side of the capital building when capital police began firing flash bangs and tear gas at the crowd. The protesters (and violent "FBI agitators") were so packed in that they couldn't escape because the crowd was being pushed forward from behind. The DOJ was implying her death was caused by drugs.

A capital police officer (#BrianSicknick) died the next day from a health issue (an aneurysm), and at first his own family admitted this — as did one of the Capital police officers who later testified at another hearing after he had committed perjury at Pelosi's hearing before her January 6 Committee. D.C. MPD officer Michael Fanone testified it was unrelated to the Capital riot. He himself and three others are suspected of giving false testimony to Pelosi's J6 committee in exchange for disability benefits.

When Officer Brian Sicknick got home and spoke to his brother that day on the phone, he never mentioned any injuries, but the DOJ lied and claimed he died of injuries sustained during the capital breach — first saying by a fire extinguisher, but later retracted that claim. Pelosi even made sure to give Sicknick a special memorial in the Capitol building to dramatically hail him as a hero (the same way Al Sharpton and others did for George Floyd). Sicknick's misguided parents (probably influenced by the lies in the media and Democrats) refused the Republican condolences but accepted those from Democrats. Much later there was video of Sicknick walking around inside the Capitol building. So the family may have received special survivor benefits for being killed while on the job performing his official duties (rather than from natural causes), because it also helped to fit the Democrat's narrative and to keep his parent's silent).

Two other capital police officers died about a week later and a week apart by suicide (and two others months later) but nobody knows their reason and it hasn't been confirmed if they even participated in the defense of the capital that day. Also the families may have lied when they claimed they took their lives because of their participation on J-6 to get special survivor benefits if their deaths were caused while performing their official duties, because they were encouraged by Team Pelosi to fit her narrative, even though there was no evidence of that either.

* NOTE - REUTERS: "Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide." by Jan Wolfe, August 2, 2021

* NOTE - NBC News: "DOJ finds police officer’s suicide after Jan. 6 attack was a death in the line of duty. #JeffreySmith's death resulted in legislation that allows families of officers who die by suicide following traumatic events to receive death benefits." by Ryan J. Reilly, August 18, 2023

There were also two other people who died from natural causes (heart attacks, not uncommon from a crowed of a million protesters that day, when more deaths would have been normal) and they weren't even NEAR the capital building, but had only attended the rally at the Ellipse earlier.

The FBI and media have lied about all this and Pelosi's J-6 committee was just a partisan White Wash, trying to cover-up the truth. Trump offered the National Guard several days before, but for some odd reason, Pelosi and the mayor of Washington D.C. declined the offer with a feeble excuse about "the optics of a police presence". The mayor had even previously warned BLM (her BFFs) to stay away from the capitol building that day, almost as if she had known what might happen. And later Pelosi admitted she was responsible for not accepting Trump's offer (This was recorded on video by her daughter and posted on social media.)

NOTE: I direct you to this article which appears to the have the most detailed and accurate facts (to date) related to the deaths that day on J-6. FACT CHECK was created by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania - "How Many Died as a Result of Capitol Riot?" By Robert Farley |Posted on November 1, 2021 | Updated on March 21, 2022 | Corrected on February 5, 2024 https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/

For contrast, this was how the New York Times (aka "fake news") lied, mischaracterized, exaggerated or omitted facts about the deaths on January 6, 2021. Keep that in mind while reading this...

New York Times: "These Are the 5 People Who Died in the Capitol Riot - A police officer was beaten, a rioter was shot, and three others died during the rampage." By Jack Healy) Published Jan. 11, 2021 Updated Oct. 13, 2022 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/11/us/who-died-in-capitol-building-attack.html

BELOW: From the New York Times

Brian Sicknick: After serving in the Air National Guard and dreaming of becoming a police officer, Brian D. Sicknick joined the Capitol Police force in 2008. He died the day after he was overpowered and beaten by rioters from the mob at the Capitol. Law enforcement officials initially said Officer Sicknick was struck in the head with a fire extinguisher, but medical experts have said he did not die of blunt force trauma, according to one law enforcement official. Instead, investigators increasingly believe that Officer #BrianSicknick may have been sprayed in the face with mace or bear spray, the official said. “He returned to his division office and collapsed,” the Capitol Police said in a statement. “He was taken to a local hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.” In a statement on Monday, his family described Officer Sicknick, 42, as “truly a lovely, humble soul” with a diligent work ethic, and said he was devoted to his job at the Capitol. His family said he also loved and spoiled his dachshunds. Officer Sicknick was hailed as a hero by politicians across the political spectrum. The United States Attorney’s office in Washington opened a federal homicide investigation into his killing, though no one has been charged so far.

NOTE: The New York Times didn't mention two other Capital Police officers and two Metro Police officers who took their own lives, so I added their names below with links that I found via a Google search. There are many other stories as well, but I just used these at random.

* "Metropolitan Police Officer Gunther Hashida was found dead in his home Thursday, department spokesman Hugh Carew said in a statement.
Hashida joined the District of Columbia's Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in May 2003."

NOTE - COURT HOUSE NEWS: "Third police officer at Capitol riot dies by suicide. #GuntherHashida, a Metropolitan Police Department officer, took his own life last week. He was 43 years old." By Jack Rodgers, August 2, 2021 

* "Another Metropolitan Police Officer who responded to the Capitol on Jan. 6, Kyle DeFreytag, was found dead on July 10, Carew said. #KyleDeFreytag’s cause of death was also suicide, Carew said. He had been with the police department since November 2016."

NOTE - PEOPLE.COM: "A Fourth Capitol Police Officer Has Died by Suicide in the Wake of the Jan. 6 Riots." By Virginia Chamlee, August 3, 2021

* Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey Smith

NOTE - NBC News: "D.C. police officer’s suicide after Jan. 6 riot declared line-of-duty death. The Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board [not an official autopsy, etc.] found that injuries Officer Jeffrey Smith sustained Jan. 6, 2021, were "the sole and direct cause” of his suicide nine days later.

* U.S. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood also responded to the Capitol riot and later died by suicide.

NOTE - CNN: "Widow of fallen Capitol Police officer wants his death classified as ‘in the line of duty’". By Ryan Nobles, Updated 8:22 AM EDT, Thu March 18, 2021

NOTE - CBS: "U.S. Capitol Police 'must be held accountable' says wife of officer who died by suicide." By Michael Kaplan, Updated on: March 18, 2021 

BELOW: Continued from the New York Times story above. Remember, their words, not mine.

Ashli Babbitt, 35, an Air Force veteran from Southern California, was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer as she clambered through a broken window leading to the Speaker’s Lobby inside the Capitol. Her last moments, captured from multiple angles on video, show Ms. Babbitt, a Trump flag knotted around her neck, being hoisted to the window as others in the mob shout. Moments later, a shot rings out and Ms. Babbitt falls back, blood pouring from her mouth. The U.S. attorney in Washington also announced it was conducting an excessive-force investigation following her death, which officials called a “routine, standard procedure whenever an officer deploys lethal force.” In her social-media feeds, Ms. Babbitt had celebrated Mr. Trump and QAnon conspiracy theories, and her shooting instantly made her a martyr for far-right activists and Trump loyalists.

Kevin D. Greeson, 55, of Athens, Ala., was standing in a throng of fellow Trump loyalists on the west side of the Capitol when he suffered a heart attack and fell to the sidewalk. He was talking on the phone with his wife at the time. Kristi Greeson, his wife, said in an interview that Mr. Greeson had high blood pressure and she had not wanted him to travel to Washington. But she said Mr. Greeson believed the election had been stolen and saw the Jan. 6 rally as “a monumental event.” In a statement to a local news channel, his family remembered Mr. Greeson as a good father and motorcycle enthusiast and said he “was not there to participate in violence or rioting, nor did he condone such actions.” But NBC News reported that Mr. Greeson appeared to have made several combative posts on Parler, a social-media haven for Trump supporters. An account featuring his name and picture urged the violent, far-right Proud Boys group to give “hell” to antifa, a loose confederation of far-left activists. A post in December urged direct action, NBC reported: “Load your guns and take to the streets!”

Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Ga., posted fervently in support of President Trump on social media, followed the baseless conspiracy theories of QAnon and latched onto Mr. Trump’s false claims that he had won the election, family members told The Associated Press. Ms. Boyland appears to have been killed in a crush of fellow rioters during their attempt to fight through a police line, according to videos reviewed by The Times. Her family said Ms. Boyland was in recovery from drug addiction and wanted to become a substance-abuse counselor, but had also gone down a dark tunnel of online conspiracies. Some family members said they vehemently disagreed with Ms. Boyland’s decision to travel to Washington and urged her not to go. Justin Cave, her brother-in-law, told Fox 5 Atlanta that Mr. Trump bore some responsibility for her death, saying that the president’s rhetoric incited a riot “that killed four of his biggest fans.”

Benjamin Philips, 50, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, was chipper as he drove a van of fellow Trump supporters from their home state of Pennsylvania to Washington. He told The Philadelphia Inquirer that it felt like “the first day of the rest of our lives.” Mr. Philips died of a stroke in Washington, those who accompanied him to the Capitol told the newspaper. The exact circumstances of his death were still unclear, and his family could not be reached for comment. A friend of Mr. Philips told the news channel WNEP that Mr. Philips had sold stuffed kangaroos dressed like Mr. Trump at the president’s rallies. His website — now down — billed itself as a “social network where American Patriots can mobilize against the corrupt communist Marxist scummy democrats.”

My Conclusion:

1) One Trump supporter was murdered by a Capital Police supervisor near Pelosi's office.
2) One Trump supporter died accidentally from trampling by the mob at the Westside tunnel.
3) Two Trump supporters at the Ellipse for Trump's speech died from medical emergencies.
4) Four police officers died by possible suicide, without leaving suicide notes giving a reason.
5) One Capital Police officer died from a medical condition related to a stroke and/or aneurysm.

A total of 9 people died who were connected in some way to the protest that day (but if only all 4 suicides were related), and none of those deaths occurred because Donald Trump incited a riot. He didn't plan the Stop the Steal rally, but was the last speaker of the day before the Save America March to the Capital building. Government assets (FBI informants making pleas deals?) and a few Capital Police officers may have been complicit or intentionally helped incite the riot by their actions, but most likely not to intentionally harm anyone (although there was always a risk of injury.)

*** There were also several suicides by people who feared going to prison after being arrested by the FBI for just being at the rally that day or who were convicted for just being there, even if they didn't commit any violence or damage that day. So if the "J-6 Death Count" also included the suicides of protesters Matthew Perna, Mark R. Aungst and Christopher Stanton Georgia, the total would be 12 that we know of so far (not including divorces, broken homes, bankruptcies, etc.)

As a final note: The fake gallows seen on J-6 was just a protest prop and couldn't actually lynch anyone. It was purely symbolic. It was too short to hang anyone and would probably fall apart if anyone tried. To put this into perspective, remember when BLM used a Trump dummy on a fake guillotine outside the White House during the RNC? I don't remember seeing the fake news STATE media's BOLD HEADLINES proclaiming Kamala Harris's supporters tried to behead Donald Trump! (But there was a REAL assassination attempt on Trump and government cover-up since then on July 13, 2024 at a rally n Butler PA.)



There is no relevant security video from the Capitol building that was released that shows any of the events mentioned above, nor any other relevant events of that day to properly investigate the actions taken by the government under the Biden administration because it is a MASSIVE cover-up. How do we know? Because of the video that WAS NOT posted by Congress.


There are many reports in the media that accuses Nancy Pelsoi and her January 6 Committee of destroying all incriminating and exculpatory evidence (not to be confused with the actual "evidence" they used in their public mock-up made-for-TV congressional hearings on prime time.)


Meanwhile, since the Supreme Court ruled months ago that the "J-6ers" were over-charged and sent to prison, most are still in jail as the FBI continues to hunt down everyone else that was present at the Capital building or the Ellipse that day. If you were there, you're still not safe from an early-morning raid by an FBI SWAT team until after Donald Trump is sworn in as the next POTUS on January 20, 2025. See my COUNT-DOWN CLOCK here and all my J-6 videos are here.

BELOW: All of the recent January 6 related posts:
A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. Speaker Kevin McCarthy's J-6 Cover-Up?

A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. Despite Chinese spies, FBI makes J-6 trespassers TOP PRIORITY | September 5, 2023

A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. The U.S. Government rigged the 2020 election and started the January 6 Capital Riot

A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. The peaceful Stop The Steal rally and Save America March was sabotaged by a Capital breach and riot, but by who and why?

A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. The TRUTH about the 2020 Election Fraud and the Big Lie about the Capital Riot on #J6, 2021.

A red arrow for Lauren, but I want her heart. MTG breaks promise to release J-6 video, makes excuses as to why, but then blames the GOP, which is her main squeeze on Capital Hill, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, who IS the GOP!
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